Your team of residential real estate brokers in Saint-Eustache and the Laurentians

A graduate of one of the best private colleges in Quebec specializing in real estate and supported by a professional order aimed at protecting the public, Marie Viscoso real estate broker stands out for her great ability to listen, her sales experience, her loyalty to her clients and her strong negotiation skills.

With more than 10 years of combined experience in the field of real estate, Marie and her team offer you a sales and purchase strategy adapted to your needs, superior visibility with buyers, perfectly bilingual service and a transaction safe from start to finish.

Call us now at 514 561-8702!

Rely on our expertise for the purchase and sale of residential real estate

Because buying or selling a property is a complicated process and an important moment in the life of an owner, we want to offer our customers personalized and quality support, to enable them to realize all their real estate projects, with as much peace of mind as possible. Thanks to the services of our passionate team, be sure to sell at the best price or find the best buyers for your home! Punctual, professional and attentive to your requests, we live up to your expectations!

Take advantage of our step-by-step support services for your:

Purchase of single-family home
Sale of single-family home
Purchase of condo
Sale of condo
Purchase of duplexes
Sale of duplexes
Purchase of triplexes
Sale of triplexes
Purchase of quadruplexes
Sale of quadruplexes
Purchase of quintuplexes
Sale of quintuplexes
Purchase of cottage
Sale of cottage

Buy a property

Sell a property

Free estimate of market value

Get marketing advice

Our team

Marie Viscoso

Residential Real Estate Broker

Billy Kroon

Commercial & Residential Real Estate Broker

Sophia Zergiotis

Professional Photographer

Our values

Qualified and experienced real estate brokers, we provide our clients with impeccable services, from the market evaluation to the conclusion of the sale, including the publication of the real estate ad. Our services are those of seasoned professionals.

Buying or selling real estate is a complex process that requires being able to surround yourself with trusted professionals. We promise rigorous work and services entirely devoted to your satisfaction.
Real estate is a complex field that has many pitfalls and can be difficult for individuals to understand. Thanks to personalized support, we can guide you with honesty and transparency in all your administrative and financial procedures.
Our solid experience allows us to ensure successful and satisfactory real estate transactions.
Sylvie Morel
Sylvie Morel
Quelle belle expérience avec Marie. J'ai vendu et acheté avec ses bons conseils. D'une grande écoute, très humaine et sans pression. Je vous la recommande fortement.
Serge Vallieres
Serge Vallieres
Petit message d’appréciation concernant ma courtière immobilière. Marie Viscoso m’a beaucoup aidé à me trouver une maison à mon goût et avec le budget que je voulais mettre. J’ai vendu ma maison à St-Eustache et acheter à St-Sauveur près des pentes de ski. Marie est dévouée, fait un travail acharné, elle est disponible en tout temps pour répondre à mes questions et m’a beaucoup guidé. Merci beaucoup Marie!
Jeanne Buonvino
Jeanne Buonvino
Marie est très professionnelle. Elle a trouvé le parfait locataire pour le logement que nous avions à louer. Elle nous a bien conseillés pour le choix final. Je la recommande sans hésiter.
Karine Proulx
Karine Proulx
Marie est à l’écoute de nos besoins. Dévouée et souriante, elle sait prendre soin de ses clients. Ses conseils et son support ont été précieux.
Eve T
Eve T
Marie a vraiment à coeur de bien répondre à nos besoins et est très attentive et surtout connaît très bien son métier. Elle donne son 120% afin de satisfaire son client. Elle est déterminée et très rassurante par ses connaissances et ses bons conseils. Elle est passionnée par son travail et c'est super de compter sur elle pour trouver le chez nous de nos rêves!
Jimmey Griffin
Jimmey Griffin
Marie got us our home in this crazy market with our first bid! We didn't have to settle! Her advice and knowledge of realestate prepared us for the experience of buying our first home. When friends and acquaintances were telling us they bid on 20 homes and still never had their offers accepted. We chose our neighborhood and saw only one home that suited us. After telling Marie we want only that home she thoroughly explained what we needed to do and then she worked relentlessly on her end to make it happen. Working with Marie was a real team experience. She had our back at all times and by the end we felt like our team scored the overtime goal!! Thank you Marie and Willem!!
Francesca Blanchette
Francesca Blanchette
Marie sold our house within a reasonable time frame and was professional and friendly through the whole process. She's very good at what she does and has the seller's and buyer's best interest at heart and it was wonderful working with her! She helped sell our house and find a new one as well!
Super belle expérience avec Marie!! Elle est à l'écoute de nos attentes et surtout il y a pas de pression même si le marché est fou!!!! Tout au long du processus elle à su nous rendre alaise peu importe la situation. Merci Marie Viscoso !

Trust a team of experienced professionals, call us!

You want to buy a house in Saint-Eustache? Selling your condo or buying a chalet in the Laurentians? We are available to help you realize all your real estate projects and make your real estate transactions a complete success! Whether you are a buyer or a seller, you can count on our professionalism and our expertise in your real estate searches.

You would like more information or make an appointment with one of our residential real estate brokers? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Saint-Eustache, QC J7R6K2, Canada

24/24, 7/7